How to Use over and above in a Sentence
over and above
The lawyer described that amount as what the new buyer agreed to pay over and above the Rickmans’ purchase price.
—Patrick Danner, San Antonio Express-News, 17 Nov. 2021
There’s something sacred about the archive, over and above the fact of its survival.
—Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 1 Mar. 2022
Give a little extra, network, use your charm and be willing to go over and above the call of duty.
—Eugenia Last, The Mercury News, 10 Apr. 2024
Profits and dividends have both grown over and above the rate of inflation for decades.
—Ben Carlson, Fortune, 24 Nov. 2021
The list of data-sharing examples (over and above these two very random ones) goes on and on.
—Adrian Bridgwater, Forbes, 21 Apr. 2023
The money the district places in the HRAs is over and above what the district pays toward employee premiums.
—Bob Sandrick, cleveland, 1 Aug. 2023
And there are benefits over and above helping poor people keep more of their earnings.
—Lawrence Wintermeyer, Forbes, 10 Mar. 2021
Epigenetics refers to the information in the genome over and above that contained in the DNA sequence.
—Paul Haggarty, Discover Magazine, 13 Oct. 2015
Alito argues that the Second Amendment can be enforced, over and above state law, because of the due-process clause.
—Corey Robin, The New Yorker, 9 July 2022
These are benefits paid over and above state UI benefits.
—Rob Berger, Forbes, 30 May 2021
To be clear, this is state and federal taxpayers’ money, collected and disbursed over and above the budget needs of the state.
—Daniel J. Pilla, National Review, 28 July 2022
What’s punishing is a wide premium over and above the CPI that investors can get from purchasing bonds instead of stocks.
—Shawn Tully, Fortune, 26 Sep. 2023
With this credit card, Samsung consumers will get 10% in cashback over and above all existing offers and services around the year.
—Niharika Sharma, Quartz, 27 Sep. 2022
And that’s above and beyond some of the other clunky compromises that come from SMS V2 over and above a dedicated cross-platform app.
—Zak Doffman, Forbes, 19 Sep. 2024
The Business Improvement District tax is over and above normal sales taxes.
—Steve Lord,, 27 Aug. 2021
So this rests on the idea of universality, that there is common behavior over and above the microscopic details of the system.
—Quanta Magazine, 12 Dec. 2022
The school expects the private university’s hefty profits will bring in millions in profits for the state over and above up to $60 million in annual funds needed to service the bond debt.
—Ian Max Stevenson, Idaho Statesman, 28 May 2024
The neuroscientist Kevin Mitchell has argued that the free will of conscious organisms plays a role in determining what will happen in the brain, over and above what is settled by the laws of physics.
—Philip Goff, Scientific American, 7 Nov. 2023
Adorned with an array of Mediterranean marbles and topped with a roof, the theater stood as a rare architectural and acoustic feat, over and above the traditional open-air theaters of many Roman towns.
—Sam Walters, Discover Magazine, 14 Dec. 2023
Storm surge is an abnormal rise of water generated by a hurricane or large storm, over and above predicted high or low tides.
—Robert Gearty, Fox News, 27 Aug. 2021
To make matters worse, the revenue contraction due to the pandemic has meant that 2020 is seeing a significant capex contraction even over and above that seen in the previous years.
—Shoaib Daniyal, Quartz India, 30 Nov. 2020
The country’s homebuilders constructed about two million single family houses over and above the pre-pandemic trend.
—Bill Conerly, Forbes, 18 Apr. 2023
When an element within the nation seeks its own power and its own way over and above any other factor, that element must be confronted, or else everything might be lost.
—Jon Meacham, Time, 12 Oct. 2022
And while some shower head filters may claim to remove other contaminants over and above chlorine and/or soften hard water, just note that a whole-house water softener works best for that.
—Good Housekeeping, 1 Aug. 2023
But over and above Li’s disappearance, retailers will worry much more about China’s weak consumption trends.
—Jane Li, Quartz, 22 June 2022
That’s not to say all athletic competitions necessarily need to have a point over and above athletics.
—Time, 29 July 2021
DeSantis has rightly been fierce in defending his record but never gives the sense, as Trump often did, that fighting with the media is a good thing in its own right, over and above any substantive considerations.
—Rich Lowry, National Review, 9 Apr. 2021
Our folks have put together finance plans that have created and garnered over and above our normal funding levels because of the demonstrated successes in all of those areas.
—Brian Amaral,, 21 July 2023
In many countries, including the United States, adult influenza deaths aren’t counted, they are estimated, using formulas that calculate the number of deaths in flu season that are over and above what would be seen at other points in the year.
—Helen Branswell, STAT, 9 May 2022
For example, during the pandemic, Oxford Economics estimates that the labor force lost an extra 2.5 million to 2.7 million boomers over and above the normal retirement rate.
—Laurent Belsie, The Christian Science Monitor, 2 Nov. 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'over and above.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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